TOSA Reports Millions of Lives Saved only by Organ Donations

According to a recent report by Texas Organ Sharing Alliance (TOSA), a record number of lives were saved via organ donation in 2019.

TOSA is an organ procurement organizations (OPOs) in Central and South Texas. Its objective is to save lives by offering organ donation and recovery facilities. The organization has revealed a record-breaking increase in the number of organ donors.

The number of organ donors has been heightened since the last four consecutive years. And in 2019, this increase has resulted in saving the lives of 207 individuals via organ donation.

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Texas Organ Sharing Alliance offers its facilities in 58 different regions, ranging from Waco to the Rio Grande Valley. TOSA’s heroes have donated their organs to critically ill patients and saved almost 620 lives via transplantation.

Dr Joseph Nespral is the Chief Executive Officer and the President at Texas Organ Sharing Alliance. He said that this increased number of life-saving transplant and recovery cases is the outcome of TOSA’s team effort.

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Its team responsible for communication and raising awareness educates the population about donation.

But this team is also responsible for enrolling individuals for organ donations. Whereas, the organization’s hospital development staff is accountable for making sure that the hospital supports TOSA in the process of organ procurement.

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Lastly, its clinical staff is responsible for preserving a donor’s organ. But still, all of these is impossible if the registered donors and the families aren’t generous enough to donate organs and make such life-saving choices.

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During last year, Aisha Williams living in San Antonio, Texas, made a generous decision of donating organs of her deceased son – Hezekiah Williams. Such families can also assist friends or relatives via a directed donation, in which the donor’s family can demand that an organ should be transplanted to a specific patient on the organ recipient waiting list.

Within 24 hours of making this decision, Aisha William was informed that her son’s kidney could save the life of a man who has been searching for a kidney donor for six years.

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She expressed her feelings and stated that she felt incredible after realizing that her son’s organs have made a significant difference in other’s lives.

She said that she hadn’t much knowledge about organ donation when she was presented with this suggestion. However, the Texas Organ Sharing Alliance provided her family with the support and knowledge that was necessary to make this life-saving decision.

UNOS (United Network for Organ Sharing) is an organization at the national level that has the responsibility of managing the organ transplant system.

According to a statement provided by this organization, in the United States, almost 11,900 of deceased individuals became organ donors, showing a record-breaking increase in the deceased donation for the ninth consecutive year.

But in spite of these record-breaking organ donations, there is a continuous increase in the number of people in the transplant’s waiting list. Throughout the country, nearly 113,800 patients are looking for donors for a life-saving organ transplant, among which over 10,000 patients are from Texas.