Cervical Cancer Screening and Vaccination May Eradicate it Soon

A new study shows that adopting a certain plan throughout the world can completely eliminate cervical cancer within the next century. Every 8 of 10 residents of the United Kingdom would get exposed to this human papillomavirus (HPV) causing cervical cancer. But now they can be protected against this virus by vaccination.

Besides human Papillomavirus, some other causes were smoking and the uncontrolled use of birth control pills.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) has provided a draft plan that sets targets for cervical screening and HPV vaccination. Two different studies presented in The Lancet have adopted this WHO’s draft plan in order to eradicate cervical cancer.

The plan’s target is to ensure that 90% of the females get vaccinated against human papillomavirus by 2030 and the same percentage of females with HPV infection or precancerous lesions get the required treatment. Additionally, the plan also aims to ensure cervical cancer screening in 70% of females once or twice in their lifetime.

According to the research teams at Laval University and the University of Quebec, in 78 countries severely affected by cervical cancer, even just having vaccination can decrease the number of cases by 89% within a century.

But the figure becomes 97% when therapy for precancerous cervical lesions and screening tests are also considered along with vaccination.

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Marc Brisson is a Professor at Laval University. He stated that it’s the first time when the research team has estimated the number of human papillomavirus cases that will be prevented with the eradication of cervical cancer.

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Brisson added that it is vital to ensure both screening and treatment for cervical cancer along with a coverage area. These findings suggest that taking such steps can help in eradicating cervical cancer and reducing the disease burden, especially in areas with high disease prevalence.

According to Brisson, adopting the WHO’s strategy and meeting its targets would indicate a remarkable victory for the health of women. In countries with high income, eradication of cervical cancer is possible by 2040, whereas it can be completely eliminated throughout the world by the next century.

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But taking such measures to increase the coverage area for treatment and prevention, isn’t that feasible without a significant international political and financial commitment.

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Robert Music is the CEO at Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust. He said that the WHO’s cervical cancer elimination strategy acts as a light of hope for people suffering from cervical cancer or living in the areas with high disease prevalence.

But still, it is difficult to achieve because of a requirement for continuous like an international investment and political commitment along with the absence of screening programs. There is still a need for further research to optimize, innovate, and improve the WHO’s strategy. Early changes in the cervix have the ability to remove the cellular aging process.

A smear test can help in cases like 5y3 Cervical screening thus detecting the disease at an earlier stage. This can also facilitate humans in earlier detection of any cellular changes that would otherwise lead to tumors.