Cfredits: Yoga Journal

Yoga Improves Androgen and Testosterone Levels in PCOS Patients

PCOS is the most common occurring endocrine disorder among the women of ages 18 to 44. Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) produce male hormones more than normal amounts. These exceeding amounts disturb the menstrual cycle that makes it difficult for women to get pregnant.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) also causes the growth of hair on face and body and baldness. Long term health problems like heart disease and diabetes may also happen due to PCOS.

A new study published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association finds that women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) should adopt a mindful yoga practice to improve the androgen levels to get rid of symptoms and to improve the androgen levels.

With the help of this study, the researchers came to know that yoga practice of three hours a week reduces the testosterone levels by 29 percent in 90 days. Also, the anxiety levels are improved by 21 percent and depression levels by 55 percent. Androgens such as DHEA are reduced by adopting a mindful yoga practice too.

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A Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biochemistry at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine and lead author, Diana Speelman tells that some pharmacologic options are also available to deal with PCOS but recommends avoiding these options due to some side effects.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is diagnosed in women with the help of symptoms including cysts in the ovaries, high androgen levels, and irregular menstrual cycles.

Women who diagnosed with PCOS at a very young age become more frustrated and confused. But yoga practice can help them to attain a disease-free body and a healthy mind.

study shows that exercise is proved more beneficial when a person takes a healthy diet too. Both exercise and a healthy diet help a person to reduce the weight that lowers the risk of heart diseases and diabetes.

Mindful yoga practice is the best option to treat PCOS in a way that can improve many aspects of the disorder. PCOS may cause some metabolic, reproductive and psychological health problems and is the most common reason for anovulatory infertility.

PCOS is also a reason behind some other problems including hirsutism, male pattern hair loss, acne, subfertility, higher incidence of miscarriage, and irregular menstrual cycles. These problems can be controlled by reducing the androgen levels including DHEA and including testosterone.

Researchers advise that while doing yoga practice don’t drink water before or after, wear comfortable clothes or yoga mat, don’t be shy to ask help from instructors, don’t take a heavy meal before a yoga practice, always pick a comfortable spot.

Losing 5-10 percent weight through regular yoga practice relaxes the mind and ease the stress of weight gain and a person feels much better. In the case of PCOS, it’s important to give enough time to Yoga practice to eases many problems like anxiety, depression, hair fall and many more. 

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In this study, researchers divided the women into two groups. In one group women didn’t participate in mindful yoga practice while in latter group women participated in mindful yoga practice three hours a week, over ninety days.

The study results show that the androgen levels were improved in the latter group of women. Anxiety and depression were reduced too. Acne breakouts were fewer in them and menstrual regularity was also improved.

Speelman tells that yoga has several advantages. Perhaps the best quality is that it is open to such a wide range of ages and fitness levels.