coronavirus death toll
Image- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health Image Library (PHIL),

Coronavirus Death Toll Expected to Rise in Coming Weeks

Since the start of June, the number of coronavirus cases has gone up dramatically in all countries with the US and Brazil leading in newly reported infections. However, the coronavirus death toll has not increased as much in comparison with the new cases. Many people assume this is because the coronavirus infection is not as deadly.

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In reality, this is far from the truth.

The coronavirus infection, in comparison with previous similar viruses, has a lower fatality rate.

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Health experts state that this does not necessarily mean the chances of death are low. In fact, coronavirus complications are deadly enough to put a person from any age group at a big risk of death.

For instance, scientists noted that the infection can cause life-threatening conditions including clotting in the blood, stroke, heart attack, and diabetic complications. This is primarily why people with existent health conditions are told to be extra careful.

If the coronavirus complications are so deadly, why has the death toll remained low even though the cases are rising again? The answer is simple. The lower rate of death at the starting of June only means that it will rise dramatically at once in the coming weeks.

This is exactly what is happening in the US at the moment. Even though the pandemic has been made to look not as serious by various government officials, it is worsening day by day. Prior to the lifting of lockdown, the average death rate was seven per day.

Since the starting of July, the rate has increased. Now, the average death toll is two hundred deaths per day. According to a reported, the states with the highest number of cases had over eight hundred deaths in the past twenty-four hours.

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This is, so far, a record high. People with coronavirus infection are dying at an alarming rate in states such as Florida, Arizona, California, and Texas. In addition, many southern states are also reporting a tremendous increase in the coronavirus death toll.

These states reopened even though there were apparent rises in the number of cases. As soon as the cases begin rising in the middle of June, the hospitalizations for the infection also increased within a week. In another two weeks, the death toll began to rise up as well, which is why it became high at the starting of July.

The U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has already predicted the number of days it takes from a case being reported to the death. The rise in cases shows that the health agency’s predictions were accurate and explains why the coronavirus death toll only began to increase recently.

The CDC and health officials had both collectively warned about the expected rise in cases and coronavirus death toll prior to the worsening of the pandemic in the US. The majority of the policies devised by government officials now show the consequences of neglecting the advice from public health officials and infectious disease experts.

If the US continues to handle the pandemic in a similar way, the number of cases as well as coronavirus deaths will go up even further in the coming months.